Here's my CV, and it's more interesting than on a PDF because...there are pictures.
M.F.A. in Creative Writing ~ The University of British Columbia, 2023
M.A. in Creative Writing: Prose Fiction ~ The University of East Anglia, 2020
B.A. in Communication and Psychology ~ Rutgers University-New Brunswick, 2019

Rutgers University-New Brunswick, May 2019.

The University of British Columbia, May 2023.
English Instructor
LaSalle College Vancouver ~ April 2024-Dec 2024
English 101: Rhetoric & Composition; English 212: Introduction to Poetry
Presented various core, foundational topics to a class size of 25-31 students
Emphasized practice/examples; encouraged student participation & group work
Designed assignments; graded assignments; provided constructive feedback

Inside LaSalle College Vancouver (Google Images).
Block A Participant
Playwrights Theatre Centre ~ Oct 2023-Feb 2024
Worked on a full-length adult play that explores grief
Participated in cohort discussions and workshops
Had a staged reading of an excerpt from the play

Introducing my play during the PTC Block A staged readings, 2024.
Marketing Coordinator
Bryan Wade Brave New Play Rites Festival ~ Sept 2023-April 2023
Updated the Festival Squarespace website and built new webpages
Communicated with the Festival playwrights, directors, and external contacts
Wrote a press release
Designed, printed, and disseminated the Festival poster
Created and led a social media campaign on Instagram

2023 website banner.
Graduate Teaching Assistant
UBC ~ Sept 2021-April 2023
Taught a weekly Intermediate Screenwriting seminar (Spring 2023)
Read, provided constructive feedback, and assigned marks for undergraduate Creative Writing students’ pieces
Led office hours, monitored the TA email, and answered student questions
Provided a lecture centered on diversity and representation in screenwriting (Fall 2022)

University of British Columbia.
Editorial Assistant Intern
Rutgers University Press ~ Sept 2016-Dec 2018
Executed design and index checks for manuscripts
Prepared pre-copyediting reviews for manuscripts
Updated production spreadsheets and the press database
Coded manuscripts using the Scribe Add-In software
Contacted and wrote to authors and copyeditors

Rutgers University-New Brunswick.
Communications Coordinator
ArtS Club Theatre Company ~ July 2023-Feb 2024
Handled media and public relations
Wrote press releases
Organized and facilitated advance photoshoots
Conducted interviews
Helped edit show trailers
Wrote, copyedited, and proofread collateral

Interviewing Jiv Parasram & Christine Quintana, Director and Playwright, respectively, of Someone Like You (2023).
Guest Artist Workshop Leader
ArtStarts Explores ~ Feb 2023
Created and filmed an arts/writing workshop, Tracing Memories Through Objects, which uses experimentation and play and is based in the mediums of paper, drawing, and writing.

Screen grab of the YouTube workshop video.
Playwrights' Gym Participant
Green Thumb Theatre ~ May 2022-June 2022
Participated in cohort discussions and guest speaker sessions about Green Thumb-produced plays and social issues relevant to young audiences
Delved into creating for Theatre for Young Audiences
With my cohort, workshopped my writing and provided respectful feedback

Mountainview, Vancouver.
Creative Leader Intern
National Centre for Writing (Norwich, UK) ~ Dec 2019-March 2020
Co-led the Children’s City of Literature Program in Norwich Lower School
Guided sixth graders in writing short stories on the speculative theme of “Norwich 2040”

Elm Hill, Norwich, UK, 2020.
Work Experiences
Marketing Volunteer
Vancouver International Film Festival ~ Sept 2022-Oct 2022
Drafted copy for VIFF’s social media channels
Gained insight into VIFF’s sponsors and partners

University of British Columbia.
i-Teams Project Member
UEA & British Archive for Contemporary Writing ~ Jan 2020-March 2020
Collaborated in an interdisciplinary team of students on “Animating the Literary Archive”, a heritage project
Proposed a plan for a digital exhibition of the creative writing process
Conducted market research, contacted companies, and communicated with professionals in relevant fields
Participated in a group presentation to an audience of 50 people

University of East Anglia.
Red Pine Ambassador
Douglass Residential College for Women ~ May 2016-May 2019
Represented the women’s program at several events by assisting with planning and executing tasks, as well as speaking on student panels
Led tours of Douglass campus to incoming or prospective students

Douglass campus, Rutgers University-New Brunswick.
Prose Editorial Board Reader
PRISM international literary magazine ~ May 2021-Aug 2022
Read and analyzed literary submissions weekly for their suitability for publication

PRISM international, Summer 2022 issue.
Unboxed Volunteer
British Archive for Contemporary Writing ~ Oct 2019-Nov 2019
Collaborated with team members to create and install an exhibition on the Nobel Prize-winning author, Doris Lessing, at the Millennium Library in Norwich, UK, in partnership with the Sainsbury Center of Visual Arts at UEA

Millennium Library, Norwich, UK.
Community Involvement
Experience working and communicating with diverse groups
Experience working independently and collaboratively in a team
Adept in Google Suite, Microsoft Suite, Slack, video conferencing platforms, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Submittable, Squarespace, Wix, and WordPress
Skilled in Canva, Audacity, and Adobe Premiere Rush
Comfortable presenting to large groups of people
Experience participating in fully online environments and discussions
Fluent in English and Bengali; Full professional fluency in Spanish
“A New Life.” Exclamat!on: An Interdisciplinary Journal, no. 4, University of Exeter, 2020, pp. 88-94.
“Somewhere in Between.” Bloom: UEA MA Prose Fiction Anthology 2020, Egg Box Publishing, 2020.
The Invisible Return. UBC Children's Literature Conference: Beyond Borders, June 2024, University of British Columbia. YA Novel-in-progress Reading.
On the Tracks. Block A Staged Readings, February 2024, Playwrights Theatre Centre. Dramatic Script Reading.
“Issues on Character Representation.” CRWR206B, October 2022, University of British Columbia. Course Lecture.
Icarus and Daedalus. Stage and Screen Writes, December 2021, University of British Columbia. Dramatic Script Reading.
“Novel Excerpt/The Representations of Mental Illness in the Media and Grief in Fiction.” Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Honors Thesis Conference, May 2019, Rutgers University—New Brunswick, New Jersey. Conference Presentation.
“Introducing a New Mental Health App.” Undergraduate Research Writing Conference, April 2017, Rutgers University—New Brunswick, New Jersey. Conference Presentation.

Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Thesis Conference, May 2019.
Awards & Honors
Vancouver International Women in Film Festival Screenplay Competition, Semifinalist​ (2023)
Orwell Society Dystopian Fiction Competition, Shortlisted (2020)
Joseph B. and Florence Voorhees Cejka Graduate Fellowship (2019)
Paul Robeson Scholar (2019)